It is difficult to know how much stock to put in hardware rumours that appear outside of traditional hardware aficionado circles, but with that in mind a story from the Taipei Times, an English language Taiwanese newspaper, seems to have some interesting information about the next generation of Nvidia GPU, codenamed Ampere. The story lede is around the possible benefits for Taiwanese manufacturing firms, but there are some interesting rumours about the hardware in there too. Specifically that the new Ampere GPU will use 7 nanometre technology, with a 50% increase in performance while halving power demands.
The source for this information is a client note from Yuanta Securities Investment Consulting Co, the note predicting that companies who are highly connected to the gaming hardware sector such as Gigabyte, Asustek and MSI should benefit greatly from the Nvidia making this upgrade.
This feels like quite a big claim to tumble out of a client note from an investment company, which could suggest it doesn’t carry much weight, or possibly that whoever made or repeated the claim didn’t realise it was such a big deal.
50% faster and 50% less power does sound a little farfetched, but it’s 2020 and maybe everything is going to be amazing this year.