MSI has launched their new gaming keyboard, the Vigor GK50 Low Profile. This as the name suggests is a very thin mechanical gaming keyboard. Despite the titular Low Profile the Vigor GK50 is still a full size keyboard with a number pad, one that uses the MSI Mystic Light RGB lighting system, so it’s still going to stand out from the crowd.
The Vigor GK50 makes use of KAILH mechanical switches, which provide a tactile click when they hit the point of activation to make it clear exactly when a key you’ve pressed has triggered. The thin keyboard combined with a short keystroke and lower activation point makes the Vigor GK50 Low Profile less of a handful on the desktop.
As with many mechanical keyboards the MSI Vigor GK50 is durable and the individual switches are aimed to withstand around fifty million keystrokes in their lifetime.
The MSI Vigor GK50 also brings in the MSI Dragon Centre, which is the catch-all software for peripheral configuration and lighting management for all their compatible products.
The MSI Vigor GK50 Low Profile is available now for £89.99.