Asus has launched their new ROG Strix Go 2.4 gaming headset, a lightweight high-end headset for PC, Mac, Switch, PS4 and other smart devices. The ROG Strix 2.4 includes all the elements you’d expect for a gaming headset but with an eye on portability, making it ideal for use at LANs or with other mobile gaming hardware.
The Strix Go offers a slightly less full-on gamer aesthetic than something like the Razer Kraken Ultimate, eschewing things like RGB LEDs, instead opting for a sleek design, with a removable boom mic and integrated hidden microphone. There is also a travel case and an array of connection options, so you can use USB, 3.5mm or wireless as needed. The Strix also charges via USB and should be able to run for around 25 hours from a full charge, or roughly 3 hours per 15 minutes on charge. The range of the wireless connection is around 20m, so you might not have to take your headset off to take a bathroom break (but you definitely should take your headset off before you go to the bathroom, don’t be that guy).
The sound is provided by 40mm drivers in airtight chambers, with an array of different profiles to suit different games and the option of virtual 7.1 surround sound.
One of the key features of the ROG Strix Go 2.4 is the AI driven noise cancelling on the microphones, this dramatically reduces background noise. This works for both the hidden mic and the boom mic.
The MSRP for the ROG Strix Go 2.4 is £159.99 and they are expected to hit the shelves in December.