AOC has announced the AG273QX which is the latest entry in their third generation AGON line-up. The AG273QX is a 27 inch flat monitor with a refresh rate of 165 and a QHD display, meaning it has a resolution of 2560×1440. With curved screens becoming more common (which AOC also have in the form of the AG273QCX and AG273QCG) it’s good to see that folks who aren’t convinced they want to change from a flat screen don’t have to make the switch.
The AG273QX includes AMD FreeSync 2 HDR, which reduces screen tearing and stuttering without increasing input lag. A native 3000:1 static contrast ratio ensures depths to the darkness in games where it’s needed while not compromising the colours.
The design is practical, with retractable headset holders on the sides, a built in carrying handle and a single click assembly system to attach the monitor to its base. This makes it versatile for LAN parties or just for folks who envisage needing to move their monitor around a few times over its lifespan and don’t want it to be a saga. There is even RGB lighting on the back, which feels like a nice touch for folks who are committed to taking an illuminated build as far as it can go, in this case out of the users line of sight.
The AOC AG273QX brings with it some of the more standard gaming monitor features too, such as an optional on-screen crosshair, as well as presets for lighting and colour levels accessible though the monitor controls without needing to use control software on the PC.
The AOC AGON AG273QX should be arriving in November, with an MSRP of £439.